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Reunion of Alumni Association Representatives (21 July, 2023)

  • NamePR Division
  • Date 2023-08-01 00:00
  • CategoryReunions
  • Hit228

Reunion of Alumni Association Representatives (21 July, 2023) 사진1

Mr. Abdul Razzak Mohamed Farzan (2009 MPP) from Sri Lanka visited Pakistan from July 11 to July 24, 2023. During his stay, he met with a couple of friends in Karachi and Lahore. He was joined by the Pakistani Alumni Association Representative, Mr. Nadar Hafiz Sarafaz (2020 MPM) in Islamabad on July 21, 2023. Together they discussed to promote cross-cultural understanding and strengthen ties between Sri Lanka and Pakistan. They also discussed the potential for joint activities that could bring together the Sri Lankan and Pakistani alumni of KDIS, fostering a deeper understanding between the two nations and promoting collaboration in various fields.