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2023 Alumni Capacity Building Workshop

  • NamePR Division
  • Date 2023-12-13 16:03
  • CategoryAlumni Workshop
  • Hit122

The Alumni Capacity Building Workshop for 2023, titled "Workshop on Sustainable Global Collaboration Strategies in the AI Era," was held from November 27 to December 1. Here's a quick overview of the workshop:

The workshop commenced with a special lecture titled Visual Economic History," presented by Prof. Lee Changkeun, who skillfully intertwined fine arts with economics. He was followed by Prof. Park Jaehyuk, who showcased his sharp intuition through his special lecture, "Working with Generative AI.”

During the workshop, alumni also had the opportunity to immerse themselves in Korean culture by visiting the rich heritage of Jeonju, exploring the Hanok Village, and Nanjang.

Subsequently, the workshop proceeded to site visitations to institutions relevant to this year's topic. The sites included the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), the Center for International Development (CID), and Korea's National Broadcasting System (KBS).