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2017 Alumni Gathering in Kenya

  • NameKim, Younghwa
  • Date 2017-08-21 00:00
  • CategoryReunions
  • Hit206

2017 Alumni Gathering in Kenya 사진1

2017 Alumni Gathering in Kenya 사진2

KDI School Alumni in Kenya, Jude WETANGULA (MPP 2014), Waithaka Nganga (MDP 2013), Leah WAWERU (MDP 2014), Gilbert KIPKIRUI (MPP 2008) and Ruth WEKESA (new student), held their get together meeting on Wednesday 16th August 2017. In the meeting, the alumni discussed various contemporary issues and updated each other on their progress. The session also served as an orientation for Ms. Ruth Wekesa, who is joining KDI School end of this month (2017 Fall).