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Botswana Alumni Association Gathering (10 January 2022)

  • NameJANG, Mary
  • Date 2022-01-26 00:00
  • CategoryReunions
  • Hit891

Botswana Alumni Association Gathering (10 January 2022) 사진1

Botswana Alumni Association Gathering (10 January 2022) 사진2

Botswana Alumni Association Gathering (10 January 2022) 사진3


Botswana Alumni Association Gathering (10 January 2022)


On the 10th of January 2022, five Alumni from KDI School of Public Policy had an online meeting through Google Meet. The purpose of the meeting was to set up Botswana 
Alumni Society and discuss activities to be implemented by the group. Three Alumni managed to log in while the other 2 had poor internet connections. However, their input was noted and shared through text messages. The three Alumni are Michael Moleleke (2013, Tendani Moseki Lowani (2017), and Keatlaretse Rasesigo (2018), while Daisy Mbopi (2019) and Ronald Keikotlhaile (2020) shared ideas on how to grow the society and voted through a text message. Both participants shared this with the Chair. The meeting was facilitated by Ms. Keatlaretse Rasesigo, Ms. Tendani recorded meeting proceedings while Mr. Michael was the timekeeper. 


The main purpose of the meeting was to form a committee or board that will lead and facilitate the Alumni Society. To date, 5 individuals graduated from KDI School while 6 are still enrolled. The 6 that are still enrolled will take part in the society once they complete. The team has agreed to convene again in February 2022, the exact date Is yet to be decided. However, Michael, Keatlaretse, Tendani, and the other 2 students enrolled in Korean Language Class, Level 1 had a get together at the Korean Restaurant, Gaborone, the purpose of this meet up was to share insights on Korean Culture, Food, Education, and other aspects with Gorata and Sakhile since we have first-hand experience of Korean Culture. See the Pictures attached.


Botswana Alumni Society intends to play a crucial role in the communities of Botswana by identifying vulnerable children and donating items such as School Shoes, Stationaries, and Sanitary Pads to Young Girls. Furthermore, the society will conduct Educational Talks at the University of Botswana and Botswana Accountancy College on Scholarship Opportunities in Korea as well as share the Korean Education Culture. This will be mostly conducted towards the end of the semester targeting third and final-year students. In addition, the society will also create a relationship with the students at the University of Botswana enrolled in the Korean Language Program to enhance a comprehensive activity that promotes the Korean Culture in Botswana.


Besides that, the society intends to meet once a month at the Korean Restaurant(Airirang) so that we keep in touch and reminisce over their Korean Experience and adventures.